• 2023 - 2024 Sport Start Dates & Paperwork Due Dates 


    1st Day of Practice

    Required Paperwork

    Paperwork Due Date 

    Fall Sports 

    August 7, 2023 (Heat Acclimation, Football only)

    August 14, 2023

    - All forms must be dated on/after June 1, 2023

    - PIAA CIPPE Sections 1-6

    - Code of Conduct 

    - Permission to Test 

    Prior to the first day of practice 

    Winter Sports 

    November 17, 2023 

    - If you did not play a fall sport, complete Sections 1-6

    - If you played a fall sport, you must complete Section 7

    - Wrestling also requires the completion of Section 9 

    - If you sustained an injury after your initial sports physical, your Physician must complete Section 8 

    - Code of Conduct 

    -Permission to Test 

    Prior to the first day of practice 

    Spring Sports 

    March 4, 2024 

    - If you did not play a fall/winter sport, complete Sections 1-6

    - If you played a fall sport, you must complete Section 7

    - If you sustained an injury after your initial sports physical, your Physician must complete Section 8

    - Code of Conduct 

    -Permission to Test 

    Prior to the first day of practice 

    ** You will not be approved to practice until your paperwork has been completed and turned into the office ** 

    All undated and/or unsigned forms will be considered invalid. Please triple check that section 6 is signed and dated BEFORE leaving your Family Physician’s Office.

     The Sports Physical (CIPPE) must be dated on or after 6/1/2023. 


    Sports Physical Form 

    Athletic Code of Conduct

    Permission to Test Contract