Our Reading Routine
We follow a 8-9 day schedule in Reading. Over these 8-9 days we focus on an essential question, a specific genre, a comprehenension strategy and comprehension skill, a vocabulary strategy, and a set of 8 vocabulary words. We read various texts to discuss our esesntial question (EQ), and practice our skills and strategies. An example of our routine is below.
Day 1: Discuss the new EQ. For example, "How are all living things connected?" New vocabulary words are introduced, as well as the skills and strategies. We read a short text together so I can model what we are learning. For homework, the students create vocabulary cards. For each word they write the definition of the word, use it in a sentence, and illustrate it.
Day 2: We review the vocabulary words with a picture slideshow game. Students reread the text we read yesterday with a partner. During the second read, they are focusing on a specific strategy and will complete an activity to practice that strategy. This activity is a partner, group, or whole class activity.
Day 3: Sometimes we continue day 2 if needed.
Day 4: The class reads an anthology text together. We incorporate different reading strategies during this time. This longer texts allows the students to practice their skills, see their vocabulary words in a new context and see another aspect to the weeks EQ. For homework, the students complete a Close Reading activity where they reread the anthology text and dig deeper into the text.
Day 5: Students will take the vocabulary and selection test on the anthology text. The comprehension portion of this test is always open book. Students are encouraged to go back into the text to find their answers.
Day 6: Small groups: Students read a new text on their level.
Day 7: Students reread the text from the previous day with a partner. They are then assigned a literature circle role to complete for a literature circle discussion the next day.
Day 8: Students are put into literature circles and discuss their roles (Passage Picker, Super Summarizer, Artful Artist, Discussion Director, Connector, Word Wizard).
Day 9: Students take the weekly skills assessment for a grade. This assessment requires them to read two short passages, answer comprehension questions, and respond to a prompt.
In science class we use science journals. Each journal entry is completed in class where students record a FQ (Focus Question), Prediction, and several "Big Ideas" (the key points of the lesson). On the second page, students create an interactive diagram, model, or drawing to help illustrate the lesson. The journals are graded 2-3 times a marking period and are assessed on neatness, accurate information, and organization. Once a week students will take an "open journal quiz" to help them navigate their journal and use it effectively. I encourage students to take home their journal 2-3 days before a chapter test to study.