Williamsburg Community School District
Title 1 Program
Williamsburg Elementary
2018 – 2019
We understand the importance of the school experience to every student and our roles as teachers and models. Therefore, we agree to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of our ability:
- Teach and reinforce curriculum concepts to your child.
- Be aware of your child’s needs.
- Communicate with parents on student progress and Support program/s.
Homeroom Teacher Signature
Title 1 Teacher Signature
I know my education is important to me. It will help me become a better person. I know my parents want to help me, but I am the one who has to do the work. Therefore, I agree to do the following:
- Share important papers and information with my parents.
- Pay attention and do my classwork on time.
- Do my homework and bring it to school every day.
- Be responsible for my own behavior.
___________________________________________________________Student Signature
I realize that my child’s school years are very important. I also understand that my participation in my child’s education will help his/her achievement and attitude. Therefore, I agree to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of my ability:
- Go over my child’s assignments with him/her and give help as needed.
- Give my child a quiet place to do homework and study.
- Spend at least 15 minutes each day reading with my child.
- Make sure my child gets enough sleep each night and attends school regularly.
- Attend school functions like open house, parent conferences, and PTO meetings.
Parent/Caregiver Signature