• Welcome to Kindergarten! My name is Kelly Moushlian.  I have been a teacher for over 14 years, teaching 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade over the years.  I lived and taught in Maryland before coming back to PA a few years ago.  I have an Elementary Education degree from California University of PA and a Master's Degree in Special Education from Regent University.  I live with my husband, 3 children and our yellow lab!
    I have always loved learning and school.  I hope to be able to help my students share that same love! I am always here to help so please call me at the school (814-832-2125) before or after school hours or email me at kmoushlian@williamsburg.k12.pa.us.  I also use class dojo to keep in frequent contact with parents so please see the tab below with directions for how to join my group there. 
    I look forward to a wonderful school year! together
    Mrs. Moushlian
    My family at Disney this summer!