
    Music 7

    this course offers all seventh grade students an exploration into music concepts and history.  Topics covered in class include the fundamentals of music (music theory), music reviews, music history, listening, and the evolution of music.


          1. Come Prepared -bring notebook, papers and pencil to class

          2. Participate in class

          3. Complete all assignments on time

    Grading:         75% worksheets and listening logs completed in class

                                  Quizzes and Unit tests

                          15% class participation

                          10% assignments completed outside class time

    Essential Questions/Big Ideas:

    -          Why is important to be able to create, recreate, and perform music?

    -          How is music organized and composed?

    -          How does music act as a medium to understand and exchange ideas?

    -          In what ways have humans expressed experiences and ideas through the arts throughout time and across cultures?

    -          Musicians and composers use tools and resources as well as their own experiences and skills to create music.

    -          There are formal and informal processes used to assess the quality of works in music.

    -          What makes each voice different?


    -          What makes jazz different from other music?

    -          Who were the major composers and performers of jazz music?

    -          What is opera?

    -          How is opera different from musical theatre?

    -          What is musical theatre?

    -          What are the parts that make up a Broadway musical?

    -          When did music become an important part of making movies?

    -          How does music enhance the action in a film?

    -          What must composers do to make sure the music they are writing is right for a movie?

  • Chorus

    Course Description/Overview:

    Chorus concentrates on the study and performance of repertoire that represents various composers, genres, and historical periods.  The focus of the student’s learning experience is on the continued development and application of vocal musicianship.  Participation is all public performances is required.  Students who are enrolled in grades 7, 8, and 9 are eligible to participate in Blair County Junior High Honors Chorus.  Students who are enrolled in grades 10, 11, and 12 are eligible to participate in Blair County Senior High Honors Chorus, and audition for the PMEA District, Region, and All-State choirs.


    class objectives 

    -          Perform a wide variety of styles of choral music.

    -          Perform music from various stylistic/historical periods.

    -          Identify and use elements of proper sound production.

    -          Identify musical markings for dynamics, tempo and phrasing.

    -          Perform in public performances: Winter and Spring Concerts, community events and other occasions.
    -          Identify use of musical and stylistic elements in choral literature.

    -          Identify historical or cultural significance in choral literature.

    -          Perform concert material in a small group performance.

    -          Communicate marking period goals, reflections, and assessment of concert performances.

    -          Compose rhythmic and/or melodic compositions as well as individual warm-up and technique exercises.

  • Band

    Course Description/Overview:

         Band concentrates on the study and performance of repertoire that represents various composers, genres, and historical periods. The focus of the student’s learning experience is on the continued development and application of instrumental musicianship. Participation is all public performances is required. Students who are enrolled in grades 7, 8, and 9 are eligible to participate in Blair County Junior High Honors Band. Students who are enrolled in grades 10, 11, and 12 are eligible to participate in Blair County Senior High Honors Band, and audition for the PMEA District, Region, and All-State bands.

     Grading:    Band students learn responsibility by taking care of their equipment, uniforms and instruments. This, along with participation in all scheduled events accounts for a major portion of the grade for this class.  In addition, students will be asked to complete some written assignments to ensure development as a musician.



    Class objectives:

    -          Perform music from various stylistic/historical periods.

    -          Identify musical markings for dynamics, tempo, and phrasing.

    -          Identify and use elements of proper sound production.

    -          Perform in public performances: Winter and Spring Concerts, football games, parades, and other occasions.

    -          Identify use of musical and stylistic elements in band literature.

    -          Identify historical or cultural significance in band literature.

    -          Communicate marking period goals, reflections, and assessment of concert performances.