• Attendance Procedures 

    Student/Parent Handbook pages 27-29

    • A student who is absent must present a written excuse from the parent or medical excuse to the office upon returning to school or may submit the excuse as an email to  attendance@williamsburg.k12.pa.us.
      • The written excuse must have the parent’s signature, a phone number where the parent can be reached, the reason for the absence clearly stated, and the date(s) of the absent day(s).
      • Any student absence that requires medical attention should have an attached medical note or doctor’s excuse. 
      • Students aged eighteen (18) years and residing at home must still have all notes, excuses and permission forms signed by parent/guardian. 
    • Three or more days of consecutive absences must be covered by a doctor’s statement. 
    • Students will be excused from school for part of the day for the following - dental and medical appointments, court appearance, family emergency, and urgent reasons—upon presentation of a written appointment excuse before going to the appointment and the return of a confirmation card showing that the appointment was kept. If a student doesn’t return to school immediately after the appointment they will not be allowed to participate in extra-curricular activities. 
    • Students will not be permitted to leave school for any reason without presenting a written excuse from a consenting parent to the office staff or parental consent verified by a school official by phone.
    • Students cannot attend or participate in extracurricular activities the day(s) they are serving in-school or out-of-school suspension.
    • If the student fails to submit an excuse within 3 school days, his/her absence will be recorded as unexcused.
      • A detention warning will be issued for the first offense of failing to submit a written excuse within 3 days of returning. Additional offenses may result in a detention.
    • Students entering after the 7:50 am tardy bell and prior to 9 am will be considered tardy. Oversleeping is not excused.
    • Students entering after 9 am and prior to 11:45 am shall be recorded as either excused or unexcused half-day absence. Entering after 11:45 am the student is recorded as a full day absence.
    • Students leaving before 11:45 am will be marked a full day excused or unexcused absence. Students going home sick after 11:45 am will be marked a half-day excused or unexcused absence.
    • After 3 tardies to school, a 7:00 am detention will be assigned. A no show to a morning detention will result into 2 after-school detentions. Same process will occur for each additional tardy to school. Parent and student are
      responsible for transportation.
    • Students involved in or attending extracurricular activities must be present in school by 9 am or they cannot participate, attend, or be on school grounds after school unless they have a medical appointment with doctor verification

    For more information regarding WHS attendance policies, please refer to the Student/Parent Handbook located under the "Resources" or "For Parents" tab on the High School website. 


    Attendance Forms: 


    Student Absence Excuse Form