May '16 Board Meeting
President Barry England called a meeting of the Williamsburg Community School Board to order at 7:33 p.m. Members present were: Barry England, Patricia Kensinger, Marion Pheasant, Amy Hileman, Julie Woodling, Ben Postles, Carlee Ranalli, Kristina Bratton and Janet Lee.
Approval was received for the April minutes for the Committee of the Whole Meeting and Regular Board Meeting.
*Heard a report from Mrs. Gilbert on the new reading series “Wonders”.
*Elected Patricia Kensinger as School Board Treasurer for a one (1) year term and Patricia waived the $700 stipend.
*Reappointed Clearfield Bank & Trust and First National Bank as depositories for the 2016-17 school year.
*Approved letters of reasonable assurance of employment, as recommended by BUCS, our unemployment insurance carrier, be sent to employees based on their individual situations.
*Approved the Athletic Budget for the 2016-17 school year in the amount of $58,135 with the Board contribution being $27,635.
*Approved the Transportation Contract with Raystown Transit Services to be extended three (3) years, through the 2018-19 school year using the state reimbursable formula.
*Approved the GACTC Budget for the 2016-17 school year in the amount of $9,103,511.
*Approved the Proposed Final Budget for the 2016-17 school year to be advertised pursuant with public advertising of availability for inspection for the required 30-day period.
Est. Total Revenues $ 7,449,817
Est. Total Expenditures $ 8,040,971
*Approved the Blair County Schools Health Consortium Medical and Prescription rates for the 2016-17, reflecting a 5.25% increase.
*Approved the 2016-17 Cafeteria budget and contract renewal with Nutrition, Inc.
*Approved school lunch prices for the 2016-17 school year as follows:
Elementary $1.75
High School $2.00
Adult $2.85
Paid Breakfast $1.10
*Approved the following field trip requests:
- Band Director to take 60 band students to Kennywood Fall Fantasy Parade on August 20, 2016, at no cost to the district.
*Approved the Special Education Plan.
*Appointed Ryan Blattenberger, Daniel Crain, Jennifer Frederick and Traci Russell as elementary teachers at a salary of $37,943, step 2B of the negotiated contract.
*Agreed to provide a $500 scholarship to the Valedictorian and Salutatorian of the class of 2016 by the Williamsburg Community School District Board of Directors.
*Approved the resignation of Kelly Craver as High School Band Director/Music Teacher, effective May 31, 2016.
*Approved the officials and game workers rates for the 2016-17 school year, as presented.
*Approved the ratification of the Acting Superintendent’s decision for a day without pay for Grace Risbon.
*Approved the following use of facilities requests:
- Bob Hearn to use the weight room and football fields, when available during the summer for football conditioning.
- Carrie Loose to use the gymnasium and weight room, when available during the summer for volleyball recreation and team camp, date TBD.
- Mike Farrell to use the gymnasium and weight room, when available during the summer for Sr. High Basketball camp, date TBD, and summer recreation.
- Bill Deters, on behalf of the Volunteer Fire Company, to use the practice field for a Ropes and Rigging class on May 22, 2016.